Salespeople representing DSA member companies will:
- Tell you who they are, why they're approaching you and what products they are selling.
- Explain your rights on how to return a product or cancel an order.
- Respect your privacy by calling at times that best suit your convenience and wishes.
- Respect your right to end a sales call.
- When you make a purchase, you can count on DSA's member company salespeople to provide you with:
- Accurate and truthful information on the price,
- quality,
- performance,
- quantity and
- availability of their products or services.
- A written receipt in clear language and fully compliant with the law.
- Their own name and address and/or the name and address of the company represented.
- A complete description of any warranty or guarantee, limited or full.
Should you find any problems please use our "how to complain guide".